In Confidence
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When’s your next newsletter coming out? I enjoy them as it’s the only one I receive I read as they aren’t salesy and are thought provoking!
Melanie Goodman
Incidentally, I liked your writing style. It’s got some punch to it with an undercurrent of cantankerousness. I hope that’s not offensive?! ????
John Hibbs
St Peter Port
Your newsletter was really good! Loved the descriptions at the beginning. It had a really nice natural, personal style.
Nina Caplin
Really like the writing style in this mail. I found myself at the end of a reasonably long email without having thought “how much more of this is there?”. Reads really well and there’s plenty of hooks to investigate further.
As always, lots to conjure with. I especially related to the “Earth versus economy” section. I have forwarded to my daughter who is a big advocate of the circular economy.
That was spectacular. Will this content be on your website? It really is great stuff.
Recent emails
Click the images to open recent emails, in a new window.

The everyday art of time for yourself

How society brainwashes us to conform

Dopamine sick or just procrastinating?

What do you sacrifice for work?

Where’s the fun in kale salad?

Control less, influence more

Take ownership, for goodness’ sake

The North Wind and the Sun, Aesop’s moral on change

ChatGPT is an answer to the wrong question

Stop to notice, what happened this week?

Would you stand for this beeping nonsense?

Tea bags, a crackpot idea for a grave worry

How it’s not always good to be ‘normal’